Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 8

Today was much better!  When Seth first went to visit this morning, the nurse explained that being intubated again was not only normal, but expected.  Babies will do fine at first after being extubated, but will get worn out after a while and need to be intubated again.  Case made it 5 whole days before needing help breathing again!  The nurse said that it was amazing he made it that long.  He's such a strong little fighter.  

We were able to visit Case together tonight.  That was so nice.  Case is 2 lb 9 oz now so only 1 ounce from his birth weight!  The humidity in his incubator was turned off so now he can be swaddled.  He looked so cozy all swaddled up.  I was able to take some pictures with Seth's hand on Case.  It is amazing how small he is in comparison to Seth's hand instead of mine.  Small but mighty!

1 comment:

  1. He is so precious! I look forward to reading these updates every day :)
